Tony Conrad (Primary Infomation, 2019)
Tony Conrad's photobooth piece titled "Man Misspelling His Own Name" (1977) graces the cover of Writing. Per the description on the publisher's page, the book is a collection of "...this singular polymath's prolific activity as a writer. Edited by artists Constance DeJong and Andrew Lampert, the book spans the years 1961-2012 and includes fifty-seven pieces: essays originally published in small press magazines, exhibition catalogs, anthologies, and album liner notes, along with other previously unpublished texts. Conrad writes about his own work, with substantial contributions on The Flicker, Loose Connection, Four Violins, Articulation of Boolean Algebra for Film Opticals, Early Minimalism, Yellow Movies, Slapping Pythagoras, and Music and the Mind of the World, as well as that of his peers: Tony Oursler, Jack Smith, Rhys Chatham, and Henry Flynt, among others."
Contributed by Brian