
Andy Tennant (US, 2005, 115 min.)

In this odd-couple buddy comedy, Will Smith plays Hitch, the so-called "Date Doctor" who can make any man successful with his dream woman. In the opening credits, we see a montage sequence of potential disaster dates going successfully thanks to Hitch's advice and tips.

Pete (Matt Malloy), one of Hitch's clients, goes on a date to a bowling alley with Lisa (Maria Thayer). They stop into the photobooth and take a strip of photos, during which Pete maintains a face frozen by his inability to be comfortable around an attractive woman.

Contributed by Brian

Pete (Malloy) and Lisa (Thayer) settle into the booth.
Sitting on Pete's lap, Lisa smiles while Pete looks frozen with fear.
The first flash goes off, illuminating the solar-system-print interior of the photobooth.
Lisa gets comfy while Pete doesn't move a muscle.
The third flash, and Lisa makes the requisite goofy face while Pete still can't get himself to do anything but freeze.
Lisa, hand on her hip, waits for the photostrip to arrive.
Lisa pulls a realistic-looking photostrip from the drying slot.
Her face says it all: "I don't think so..."
She shows the strip to Pete, who doesn't seem sure of what he's supposed to be looking for.
The photos are decent, but not quite right: they capture a little too much area, the shadow is lopsided, and the tongue-sticking-out moment we saw a second before isn't captured.
Pete seems satisfied with the photos, but Lisa isn't having any of it.
Lisa says to Pete, as she pushes him back into the booth, "No way! We're going back in there. You have to smile!"
Will Smith comes into focus and the photobooth fades into the background as he continues his narration in person.